Recap so far with the series The Creature From Jekyll Island, the 5 natural laws of money.
Natural Law # 1
The stability of gold as a measure of value is simply the result of human nature reacting to the forces of supply and demand. The lesson of natural law #1 is when gold and silver is used as money and when the forces of supply and demand are not manipulated by government intervention, the amount of new metal added to the supply will always be close to the amount of expanding services and goods that can be purchased with it. So, the Law is long-term price stability is possible ONLY when the money supply is based upon gold and silver supply without government interference.
Natural Law # 2
When governments set out to manipulate the money supply, regardless of the many reasons they may have, the result is inflation, economic chaos, and political upheaval. However, when governments are limited in its monetary power to only the maintenance of honest weights and measures of precious metals, the results is price stability, economic prosperity, and political tranquility. The law is, for a nation to enjoy economic prosperity and political tranquility, the monetary power of politicians MUST be limited solely to the maintenance of honest weights and measures of precious metals.
Natural Law # 3
Fiat money is paper money without precious- metal backing, and is required by law to accept because we the people complied to this cirrus show. Its allows crooked politicians to increase spending without raises taxes, but causes inflation. With inflation the amount which people lose in purchasing power is exactly the amount which was taken from WE THE PEOPLE and transferred to their crooked government. Inflation is what we call the hidden tax. This tax is the most unfair tax of all taxes because it falls heavily on those who are least able to pay it, the working poor ( this should not even be a thing) and those with fixed income. In also punishes those who save in this declining dollar, it takes away from their savings and 401k. This always create resentment among the people, leading to political unrest and national disunity. The law is, a nation that resorts to the use of fiat money has doomed itself to economic hardships, political disunity, and civil unrest.
Natural Law # 4
Fractional money is paper money backed by precious metals up to a percentage of the face amount. It is part receipt money and part fiat money when, the dollar was backed by gold the public believed it would be redeemed at full value. And when the public found out there is this thing called a bank run, where only the first few depositors get their money. Since fractional money earned just as much interest as gold and silver, the temptation will be great to create more. When this happens, the fraction which represents the reserve gets smaller and smaller until, it is reduced to zero. This law is, fractional money will always go to fiat money, it is nothing but fiat money in transition.
Natural Law # 5
It is human nature for some people to place personal gains ahead of all others. Even those with the best intentions cannot resist the temptation for personal gain at the expense of others if the opportunity is presented before them.Their are few that will resist , but in todays society, it is a lot more that will take that opportunity. Its called capitalism baby, it is The United States, Inc. way! Throughout history the granting of that power has been justified as being necessary to proctect the public, but it does the excact opposite. It is used for personal gain for those who control the money and hell on the rest of us. This final natural law is where we are at today. When evil men are entrusted with the power to control the money supply, they will eventually use that power to steal the wealth of the people! ” Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” quote by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
End the FED NOW! WE THE PEOPLE its time for US to stand up and stop complying, y’all ready yet?
Chapter 8 Fool’s Gold
Chapter 9 The Secret Science
Hello. I found this to be a super interesting read. When I first seen the title I thought I was going to be about the fluffy law of attraction nonsense. About how much money you’re making is due to the vibe you’re sending or whatever BS they say. But this is more about the real deal. And it’s very interesting how it directly relates to our own lives and how money affects it our economies and so forth.
Thank you Jake Devin’s for your comment. This article is actually a recap of the Natural Law of Money outlined in the Book The Creature From Jekyll Island.